Saturday, March 13, 2010

An 'Alice in Wonderland' Experience

I have just seen the movie Alice in Wonderland by Tim Burton. It was a surprising decision for me since I really dont like the whole Alice in Wonderland story, mainly because of the memories I have in mind from my childhood when I watched I guess a Disney version cartoon movie of it. I think I have never read the story. All I remember from that cartoon is the annoying feeling, the struggle, and the play cards. I was so annoyed that I for some time hated play cards as well :)

Anyways, just to integrate with friends I decided to see it, and after all it was by Tim Burton and Depp was in it, olalala :) As always I had some expectations from the movie, but unfortunately kind of disappointed. I think, if you are making a movie about a known story you should bring something extraordinary with the whole audio-visual elements like the music, costumes, scenes, characters,etc. However, in the movie, although there were some original designs, overall you dont experience a very surprising and memorable visual experience. Moreover, some decisions seem to be made just for the sake of originality without a meaning behind. For instance, there were two queens, and I really hated the design of the white queen. Everything was so conventional about her, white princess kind of dress, the castle and all, the movements of her arms, the way she talks, etc. But she had very dark lipstick and fingernails, almost black. It looked so ugly, and no white queen effect which was supposed to represent the good. Why? Was it the only element that they could bring some kind of an edge? Apart from the visual stuff, I think the movie lacked a fun approach. It was quite dull. Neither the dialogues nor the choreography was good enough to make the experience fun. Of course it doesnt have to, but then it becomes dull :) The audio elements were not strong as well at least for me that I dont remember any melody :) I just remember that there was kind of a modern music, I mean from this time that doesnt really match with the story, which created a contrast and become memorable.
About the actors, I wasnt that impressed as well. First of all, Alice was such a boring girl, i think she doesnt have the 'it' factor that makes you want to watch her act regardless from the role. For Depp, I think I am kind of bored of seeing him play these kinds of characters, you can see some same elements among all them, so the originality of his acting starts to fade away. I think he should start playing normal humans again so that he can refresh himself. yes Depp, you should take my advice, I am such an expert after all :) But I loved the caterpillar, Alan Rickman, I love how he talks.

What else? Hımmm. A few comments about the cinema design. We had to watch the movie from the second row, which left a neck pain, because it is sooooo close to the screen. It is surprising that there are no standards accepted for cinema design to create a better, ergonomic experience to the audience. Don't they know that it is soo close? Why do they keep placing seats to 1 meter away from the screen. I think it is not humanitarian. In architectural decisions there are so many regulations, and there should be one for this as well.


  1. helloooooooo sister
    i haven t seen the film but i hate that tale
    it s an annoyin dream
    i had enough dreams
    about the cinema space ...i totally agree. i think in our time architerture, interior design, industrial design, and so on is all so beyond that.
    placing seat almost in the screen. just so unaccpetable and ican t beleive it is just accepted and it s like that in many theaters. THe movie theater is for decent film experience. So if you are gonna face giant subtitles and seat on the faces of the characters and can t get any distant overall view of the screen and leave the room with neck and back pain. what s the point. It is definitely not for film experience and it s not fun and it s unhealthy. it is not humanistic for sure. And you pay the same price for this torture

  2. why i put dots everywhere in the middle of the sentences
    i don t know


    Here is the the greatest Alice in Wonderland experience. Pardon me, Alice's Adventures Under Ground.

  4. It s my favorite disney film...
